Emacs Lisp Notes
A good fast track guide Elisp in 15min
Debug a function typing M-x edebug-defun
in the function block then run function.
Exit debugging a function C-M-x
which is Ctrl-Alt-X
if-else and Conditions
"Print message in echo area depending on CHARACTERISTIC.
If the CHARACTERISTIC is the string \"fierce\",
then warn of a tiger; else say it is not fierce."
(if (equal characteristic "fierce")
(message "It is a tiger!")
(message "It is not fierce!")))
There are other conditions as well check below ref.
Ref - https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WhenToUseIf
Check if string is empty. Similarly it can compare strings.
(equal "" user-str)
String Operations
Split String
You can split a string into seperate words with the following func.
(split-string " two words ")
⇒ ("two" "words")
Additionaly provide an argument to split with that. e.g. to split with ',' (split-string "one,two" ",")
Convert List into String
(format) will embed parentheses in the string, e.g.:
ELISP> (format "%s" '("foo" "bar"))
"(foo bar)"
Thus if you need an analogue to Ruby/JavaScript-like join(), there is (mapconcat):
ELISP> (mapconcat 'identity '("foo" "bar") " ")
"foo bar"
Ref - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18979300/how-to-convert-list-to-string-in-emacs-lisp
List Operations
Add prefix to every list item
Below will add pre_ to every list item.
(mapcar (lambda (c) (concat "pre_" c)) '("abc" "123" "xy"))
;; => ("pre_abc" "pre_123" "pre_xy")
Ref - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22622257/how-to-add-a-common-prefix-suffix-to-a-list-of-strings
mapcar returns list even if you pass a string or vector to it.
(mapcar #'identity "hello")
;; => (104 101 108 108 111)
(mapcar #'identity [1 2 3])
;; => (1 2 3)